Bajomi-Lázár Péter: Homokot a sivatagba?
1 | Idézi J. Keane, Media and Democracy (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1991). |
2 | Idézi A. Crisell, Understanding Radio (London & New York: Routledge, 1994). |
3 | E. Bustamante, “Public Service in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Threats in a Diverse Europe,” in: Communications and Cultural Policies in Europe, ed. I. F. Alonso and M. de Moragas, 185–215 (Barcelona: Government of Catalonia, 2008). |
4 | A. Mungiu-Pippidi, “From State to Public Service: The Failed Reform of State Television in Central and Eastern Europe,” in: Reinventing Media. Media Policy Reform in East Central Europe, ed. M. Sükösd and P. Bajomi-Lázár, 31–62 (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2003). |
5 | Lásd az NMHH elnöke által a Zalai Hírlapnak adott interjút, (utolsó letöltés: 2012. április 26.). |
6 | Erről kollégáimmal itt írtunk: P. Bajomi-Lázár, V. Štětka and M. Sükösd, “Public Service Television in the European Union Countries: Old Issues, New Challanged in the ‘East' and ‘West',” in: Trends in Communication Policy Research, ed. N . Just and M. Puppis, 355-380 (Bristol, UK and Chicago, US: Intellect Books and European Communication and Research Association, 2012). Ugyanez az írás kevésbé friss adatokkal a Médiakutató 2010. téli számában jelent meg. |
7 | J. Curran, S. Iyengar, A. B. Lund, A. and I. Salovaara-Moring, “Media System, Public Knowledge and Democracy. A Comparative Study,” European Journal of Communication, 24: 1, 5–26. |