Keyword – clothes

Szlama, Gabriella Zsófia:

Szlama, Gabriella Zsófia:

The representation of women wearing trousers in satirical periodicals between 1896−1914

In the 19th century, caricatures, illustrations, anecdotes, reports and poems in satirical journals became extremely popular. The publicists of widely-read journals, such as Borsszem Jankó, Kakas Márton and Bolond Istók had a marked opinion on topics related to politics and public life. Contemporary fashion was also subject to the authors’ witty comments, as they caricatured numerous aspects of women’s trousers such as the expenses of women’s dressing and the style of the new collections. This paper examines the different ways the above-mentioned periodicals caricatured women who wore trousers. It highlights the various formats of jokes and activities related to women’s trousers (e.g., sports and theatrical costume). The research covers the period 1896–1914 and the corpus consists of 65 articles.

Keywords: clothes, dressing, fashion, satirical journals, trousers

The representation of women wearing trousers in satirical periodicals between 1896−1914

Médiakutató Winter 2020 pp. 35-54

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