

1980s, 19th century, 2022 parliamentary election campaign


AI Act, AI regulation law, Act, American conservatism, American party system, Areopagitica, Austrian-Hungarian border, Austro-Hungarian Compromise, Az Est, access to information, accident, actor-network, ad hominem, addiction, addiction formula, advertising, advocacy journalism, agenda setting, agent, agrarian conservative, agriculture, algorithm, algorithmic filtering, alt-right, alternative media, alternative public sphere, ambivalence, and the media attention he received was only extraordinary with regards to its quantity, anti-semitism, anti-vaccine, appropriation, archive footages, argumentation, argumentation techniques, art, artistic and social movements, association work, asylum seekers, attention shift, attention-based politics, attention-building, attitude, augmented reality, authoritarian leavers and their followers, auto-etnography, autocratic politicians, autocratic stabilisation, autocratic transition, automated text analytics, automatic distribution, availability of Western press


Balaton, Balaton-Füredi Napló, Balatonfüred, Barry Goldwater, Belgrade conference, Bentham, Blanka Nagy, British Empire, bias, board games, body positive, bookseller, border, bourgeois public sphere, brainwashing, burnout, but not politics. The “toolkit” of Trump is also likely not reproducible as a whole


COVID-19 pandemic, COVID19, Café Owners’ Journal, Chernobyl, Chernobyl disaster, Chinese media, Cold War, Coronavirus-pandemic, Covid-19, campaign, canvas, career choice, celebrities, celebrity, celebrity culture, celebrity society, censorship, change of government, changes in parental and teacher roles, chart, children, churches on the internet, civic radicals, climate change, clothes, coalition period, cold tolerance, cold war, collective memory, comics, comics publishing, comment analysis, commercialisation, community language use, comparative analysis, comparative literature, competition authorities, competition law, computer games, concept of media text, concept of womanhood, conceptual blending, conceptual metaphor, conciliatory political rhetoric, conditional social exclusion, consciousness, conservative movement, conservative turn, conservativism, conspiracy theory, content analysis, content provision, control, convergence culture, cooperation, coordination, coronavirus, corruption, counter-culture, courage, creative arts, credibility, crime fiction, crime representation, crisis, critical skills, cult of Ady, cultural exchange, cultural industries, cultural life, cultural memory, cultural policy, cultural resistance, cultural shock, cultural studies, cultural technology studies, culture, curated flows


DIY, DSA very large online platform, Dewey, Digital Services Act, Donald Trump, Donald Trump. The content analysis of the local media and the relevant political science models show that the GOP nominee’s win can only be considered a paradigm shift in terms of media usage, data journalism, data protection, data visualisation, database, deception, deep Enlightenment, deepfake, democracy, diagram, dialect, dialectology, digital and media competence, digital communication, digital education, digital identity, digital literacy, digital media, digital parenting, digital religion, digital safety, digital technology, discourse, discourse analysis, discourse-based metaphor identification, discursive sanctioning, disinformation, dissidents, distance learning, distribution, dominance versus prestige in rank acquisition, dressing, dynamic topic model


ECB, EMFA, EMFA Article 17, EMFA Article 6, EU law, Eastern Europe, Eastern Europeanism, English press, Euro area, European Media Freedom, European Union, e-book, e-sports, early-career journalists, echo chamber, economic censorship, economic crisis, editorial freedom, educational platforms, effectiveness, embourgeoisement, emotions, enforcement, environment, epidemic communication, ergodic texts, especially those of the campaign of the eventual victor, everyday life, evolutionary psychology, exhibition communication, experimental film, experts and lay people, explicit populism, external shock


FIFA World Cup, Facebook, Fidesz, France, Frank Merriam, Frans van Eemeren, fact-checking, fake news, fan activism, fan studies, fantasy literature, far-right world view, farmer, fashion, fashion journalist, father’s involvement, film, film report, filter bubble, fin-de-siècle, first world war, fitspiration, flashnews, flood metaphor, focus group, focus group discussions, folk, formal mechanisms, frame analysis, framing, freedom of expression, freedom of information, freedom of opinion, freedom of press, freedom of science, freedom of speech, freedom of the press


GDR, George Floyd, German press, Germany, Gutenberg, Gutenberg-galaxy, Gyula Leopold, gender, gender differences, generation Z, genius loci, genre, genre hybridization, geopolitics, globalisation, goodness, graphic novel, group cohesion, group-belonging


Helsinki Final Act, Hollywood formula, Horthy era, Hungarian Radio, Hungarian Television, Hungarian foreign policy, Hungarian information policy, Hungarian media, Hungarian new-wave, Hungary, halfie anthropology, harassment, hegemonic culture, hermeneutics, historical narratives, history of communication and media research, history of crime, history of genres, history of the press, history of the radio, human rights, humanistic approach, hybrid celebrities, hybrid media, hybrid medium, hybridisation, hybridization, hype


IPI report, Index Expurgatorius, Index Librorum Prohibitorium, Instagram, Internet history, Internetgalaxy, István Szomaházy, iconoclasm, identity, ideology, image of Lake Balaton, immigration, immigration attitudes, implicit populism, incivility, inclusive casting, independence, independence of NRAs, independence of the media, independent media supervision, individual and group identity, influencers, infodemia, infographics, informal door-closing mechanisms, informal mechanisms, information, information and entertainment, information graphics, information policy, informedness, innovation, inter-mediality, interaction, interactive book, internal Otherness, internet, internet meme, internet studies, issue strategies


Jewish history, journalism, journalism education, journalism ethics, journalistic bias, journalists, journalists vs. experts, Új Nemzedék


Kadar-regime, Krúbi, Kádár era, Köztelek


Lake Balaton, Lambeth Walk, Linux, Lippmann, Love and breakup letter, László Cholnoky, language attitude, language myths, liberalism, libertarianism, lieu de mémoire (site of memory), life-world, limited cognitive resources, literacy improvement, literary agency, literary criticism, literary history, literaryí samizdat new wave, literature


MTVA, Madgermanes, Madrid conference, Mario Draghi, Mass Observation-movement, Mill, Milton, Mária Arányi, machine metaphor, mainstream media, market, marketing, marketing communication, masonry, mass culture, media, media and politics, media and publicity, media awareness, media bias, media communication, media convergence, media culture, media economy, media freedom, media history, media literacy, media logic, media pluralism, media policy, media regulation, media relations, media services, media system, media system theories, mediated memory, mediatisation, medium, member state sovereignty, meme, memory, memory politics, merger, metalinguistic awareness, methodological reflection, methods of press funding, migrants, migration, minority language media, model minority myth, modern fatherhood, modern woman, monument, moral panic, mother tongue, motivations, moving pictures, multimodal analysis, multimodal approach, museum, museum education


NLP, National Review, New Deal, New Deal coalition, New Word journal, narratives, national elections, national identity, nationality question, negative campaign, neoconservativism, networking, new censorship theory, new media, new wave, news, news abundance, news bubble, news consumption, news management, news media, news portal, news programs, newspaper production, newsworthiness, noise, not its quality., nuclear disaster, nuclear energy


Orbán regime, objectivity, one minute news, one-minute newscast, online community, online dating, online harassment, online media, online news media, open source, oral culture, orator, ordinary famous people, othering/constructing the Other


Pajtás, Pesti Napló, Plato, Private history, pandemic, paper crisis, participatory culture, participatory politics, participatory research, party governance, party state, patriotism, penal populism, people of colour, performance, performance of media systems, personal brand, personalization, platform, plebeian public sphere, poem, poetry, polarisation, political Catholicism, political advertising, political alliances, political censorship, political communication, political debate, political deliberation, political discourse, political marketing, political propaganda, political ritual, politics of fear, polylogue, pop music, popular culture, popular music, populism, post-Communism, post-modern, postcolonialism, postmodern, pragma-dialectics, pragmadialectics, press, press control, press freedom, press history, press policy, press politics, primary role of perceptual-motor actions, priming, print culture, print-capitalism, printing, privacy, private film, profanity, professional norms, professionalism, profile photo, projected image, propaganda, prostitution, protest, pseudo-science, pseudoscience, public discourse, public opinion, public opinion poll, public rhetoric, public service media, public service television, public spending, public sphere, public understanding of science, publicity, punk


qualitative content analysis


Radio Free Europe, Radio Life, Rakosi dictatorship, Republican Party, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Rupi Kaur, Russia, radical right, radio, rap, reader comments, readers’ comments, recording, refugees, regionalism, regulation, regulatory model, remedialisation, representation, representation of otherness, republication, resilience, responsibilty attribution, ressentiment, rhetorics, right to health, risk, rule of law, rural press


SNS, Saudi Arabia, SeniOne, Serbia, Siegfried Kracauer, Slovakia, Sollicita ac Provida, Southern Strategy, Soviet-type censorship, Soviet/communist media system, Sámi, samizdat, satirical journals, scandal, science communication, screen, secondary role of narrative, securitisation, security, self 2.0, self-brand, self-censorship, self-colonisation, self-representation, semi-official press organs, sensation, series, simulation, smear, smuggling, social deal, social discourse, social history, social imaginary, social life, social media, social media analysis, social rank, social representation, societal nostalgia, society of spa, sociolinguistics, sociological imagination, solidarity, soviet/ communist media system, spa, speech act theory, sportswashing, star, star studies, stars, state advertising, state socialism, state subsidy, state-security, state-socialism, statue, statue toppling, stealth media, strategic maneuvering, streaming, subsidiarity, subsidized speech, subvention, success, supply of paper, surveillance, “science of ourselves”


This paper focuses on the lessons learnt from the 2016 US presidential election, TikTok, Tindall, Tinder, tabloids, tamizdat, tape casette, teacher/student communication, teachers, technology, technology history, teenager, telegraph, television, television series, terminology, text analysis, text mining, text-distribution network, the hostile and divisive chetoric of conflict, the neural substrate of political attitudes, the politics of representation, theatre, third basket, threatening stimuli and the perception of threat, time spent online, trade journals, trans-nationalism, transmediality, transparency, trash, trauma, trousers, turn of the century


U.S. media, U.S. presidential election, United States, United States of America, university students, unstable text, user experiences research


VLOP, Viktor Orbán, Vojvodina, vaccination, video gaming, video inserts, violence, virtual reality, visual analysis, visual communication, visual culture, visual framing, visual styles, visuality, vote maximisation


Whitaker and Baxter, war, war in Ukraine, war rhetoric, water quality, women wearing trousers, women’s history, women’s roles, written culture, “What’s the Message of Radio,” women’s magazine, “Women’s Advisory,” School of Happiness


young adult literature, young journalists, young women


A Médiakutató szerkesztősége publikációs pályázatot hirdet a következő témákban:

Sztárok, a celebek és az influenszerek

Mesterséges intelligencia

Judit Bayer: A Framework for a New Media Order (Open Access)

Boldog Dalma: Csernobil és a magyar média
