Keyword – community language use

Kondorosy, Csenge – Endrődy, Orsolya – Simonovits, Borbála – Borsfay, Krisztina – Veszelszki, Ágnes:

Kondorosy, Csenge – Endrődy, Orsolya – Simonovits, Borbála – Borsfay, Krisztina – Veszelszki, Ágnes:


In our social media analysis, we investigate the changes in the quantity and temporal variation of the usage of words related to coronavirus vaccines during the ten months following the release of the vaccines (1 January–1 November 2021), using the artificial intelligence-based social listening software SentiOne. We investigate the mentions of words associated with anti-vaccine, vaccine-neutral and pro-vaccine groups in the broader context of online discourse on vaccine types, and by thematic groups (narratives), using quantitative tools. The general trend in the mentions of vaccine types reveals an intense online discourse (high mentions) for five months after the release of vaccines, which decreases sharply from June onwards. Similar dynamics can be observed in the use of language by vaccine-neutral groups. We outline some possible explanations for this, yet further qualitative research is needed to investigate the reasons in more detail.

Keywords: anti-vaccine, community language use, COVID19, SeniOne, social media analysis, vaccination


Médiakutató Winter 2023 pp. 49-62

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