Keyword – embourgeoisement

Katona, Csaba:

Katona, Csaba:

Home, Freedom, Wave, Love and Ferenc Deák: The Balaton-Füredi Napló (1861–1863)

The idealised picture of spa-life in Balatonfüred is unflinching in the collective memory of Hungarians. It was as if the strenuous builders of the nation on the shores of the Hungarian sea had been working only on the progression of the country. Each spa was an enterprise operated as a well-run business that considered the comfort of the guests just as important as the maintainers' benefits from the business. The spa-society of Balatonfüred is a great and particular source for researchers to explore the embourgeoisement of the Hungarian society in the 19th century. A special memory of it is a short-lived, yet instructive press-experiment: the Balaton-Füredi Napló.

Keywords: Balatonfüred, Balaton-Füredi Napló, cultural life, embourgeoisement, 19th century, society of spa, social life, spa

Home, Freedom, Wave, Love and Ferenc Deák: The Balaton-Füredi Napló (1861–1863)

Médiakutató Autumn 2020 pp. 11-21

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