Keyword – explicit populism

Tóth, Tamás – Major, Zsolt Balázs:

Tóth, Tamás – Major, Zsolt Balázs:

Explicit and implicit populism

This paper presents content analysis methods designed to detect explicit and implicit populism. It outlines their theoretical embeddedness, practical applications, and methodological usefulness. It highlights that the above concepts consider populism a political communication style. Through the notions of explicit and implicit populism, the detection of articulated and latent dichotomies can be achieved in content analyses. This theorydriven paper also reviews relevant findings from previous empirical research and suggests ways of embedding the concepts of explicit and implicit populism in international comparative research.

Keywords: explicit populism, ideology, implicit populism, political communication, content analysis

Explicit and implicit populism

Médiakutató Summer 2022 pp. 37-46

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