Keyword – hybrid celebrities

Guld, Ádám:

Guld, Ádám:

“I think that I’m the Jolly Joker, because if there’s no topic, you can still rely on me.”

Over the past 15 years, Kelemen Anna has become a fixed star in the Hungarian celebrity world. Some admire her, but the majority of the public enjoys forming harsh opinions about her activities. This high level of visibility could only be achieved by a comprehensive media presence that includes the press, television, radio, books, and online media. This visibility also demonstrates that the public’s interest in the celebrity has been constant for many years. The phenomenon also raises a number of exciting questions: What characterizes today’s celebrities, and why do we find the concepts of celebrity society and celebrity culture increasingly relevant? Who are celebrities, and what role do they play in the age of late modern, mediatised publicity? What may be behind this increased interest in celebrities, and what strategies do the most successful celebrities use to maintain public interest? This study seeks answers to these questions through an examination of the Kelemen Anna phenomenon.

Keywords: celebrity culture, celebrity society, hybrid celebrities, star studies

“I think that I’m the Jolly Joker, because if there’s no topic, you can still rely on me.”

Médiakutató Winter 2020 pp. 71-83

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