Egres, Dorottya:
Egres, Dorottya:
The discursive sanctioning of political incivility in the Blanka Nagy case
Blanka Nagy, a high school student spoke up at a protest organised against the Hungarian overtime law in 2018. In her speech, she uttered profanities against the ruling political elite. This paper explores a case of incivility that broke the norms of political communication, while discussing the context-dependency and politically motivated nature of discursive sanctioning. It employs the methodology of frame analysis and studies how the most visited news media outlets and the comments under the news articles shared on social media framed and discursively sanctioned the high schooler and her profanities. Its findings suggest that the positive framing of the incivility can be tied to the addressees of the speech, while the negative framing can be connected to the attributes of the speaker
Keywords: Blanka Nagy, discursive sanctioning, framing, incivility, news media, political communication, profanity, social media
The discursive sanctioning of political incivility in the Blanka Nagy case
Médiakutató Spring 2022 pp. 61-70
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