Keyword – migration

Feischmidt, Margit – Zakariás, Ildikó:

Feischmidt, Margit – Zakariás, Ildikó:

Media effects and opinion formation among Hungarian living in Germany and solidarising with refugees

The paper analyses the relationship between transnational solidarity and the public. It seeks to explore the relationships between media consumption, refugee solidarity and the expression of related opinion among people exposed to two different national media spaces and themselves trans-nationally mobile. The effect of both legacy and social media has been examined. Refugee solidarity has been operationalised both as practices (either philanthropic aid or paid work helping refugees in Germany) and as attitudes, taking into consideration opinions regarding refugee supporting practices. Based on a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews conducted among Hungarians living in Germany, it finds that, through its capacities of shaping the public, refugee solidarity has implications beyond immediate helping relations.

Keywords: Germany, Hungary, media and publicity, migration, refugees, solidarity

Media effects and opinion formation among Hungarian living in Germany and solidarising with refugees

Médiakutató Spring 2020 pp. 37-54

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Stumpf, Péter Bence – Szekeres, Tamás – Merkovity, Norbert:

Stumpf, Péter Bence – Szekeres, Tamás – Merkovity, Norbert:

Migrants during break time

The research presented in this paper examines the one-minute long news bulletins aired during the half-time breaks of the FIFA World Cup in 2018. The findings indicate that these news bulletins acted as a vehicle for the narratives of the government and were used to maximise the attention focused on the migration wave. The analysed cases show that reporting could serve political purposes both in terms of length and story selection. Although immigration was a prominent topic during the studied periods, it received even more airtime during the World Cup. It is beyond the reach of this study to analyse the effects of reporting on public opinion. However, the success of the Fidesz/KDNP party alliance in the 2018 legislative elections and the 2019 European elections suggests that this method of communication had been quite efficient, and the one-minute news blocks had served attention building purposes.

Keywords: attention-based politics, attention-building, FIFA World Cup, framing, immigration, migration, public service television, news programs, one-minute newscast, political communication

Migrants during break time

Médiakutató Summer 2021 pp. 39-51

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Maksa, Gyula – Murányi, Kata:

Maksa, Gyula – Murányi, Kata:

Migration in Birgit Weyhe’s Graphic Novel Madgermanes

In the decade following 1979, more than 16,000 guest workers arrived in the GDR from Mozambique. Three of them are the protagonists of Birgit Weyhe’s graphic novel Madgermanes (2016) in which they recount their stories about the difficulties of integration and their struggles in search of a home. The graphic novel portrays migration experiences and cultural shock primarily through the lens of 1980s popular and urban culture, making it a fitting example of an Afropolitan work that participates in the emerging canon of world graphic literature.

Keywords: graphic novel, cultural shock, Madgermanes, migration, GDR

Migration in Birgit Weyhe’s Graphic Novel Madgermanes

Médiakutató Spring 2025 pp. 65-74 10.55395/MK.2025.1.5

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Sztárok, a celebek és az influenszerek

Mesterséges intelligencia

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