Keyword – minority language media

Sarány, Orsolya:

Sarány, Orsolya:

An overview of the current state of the Hungarian print media in Transylvania

The autumn of 2022 brought about drastic changes in the Hungarian newspaper market in Transylvania: several publishers decided to close down their print publications or to move them into the online sphere. This paper presents the market processes leading to these decisions against a background of the production mechanisms of minority daily papers. This dual perspective has been chosen because of the focus of the author: as a PhD student in sociology she looks at these processes from the outside, but as a Hungarian journalist coming from Transylvania, she sees them from the inside. This study also discusses some of the structural characteristics of the Hungarian print media from Transylvania and lists the most important daily newspapers of the past 30 years, comparing the markets of dailies in 2012 and in 2023. It also presents some aspects of the newspaper market, detailing the non-market-based consequences of these processes.

Keywords: media economy, minority language media, newspaper production

An overview of the current state of the Hungarian print media in Transylvania

Médiakutató Summer 2023 pp. 59-76

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