Keyword – Instagram

Tamás, Ildikó:

Tamás, Ildikó:

Minority identity in a global context

This paper looks into how an emblematic element of Sámi identity is transformed from offline discourses into online folklore and how younger generations use the traditional cultural elements to represent their identity besides the textual multilingualism on social media. It focuses on the content of two Instagram profiles and provides an ethnographic insight into the ethnic-based online discourse that these represent. The repetitive topic of the Instagram posts is the relation to the freezing Arctic winter, which—as a biological and cultural phenomenon—is fit to articulate ethnic differences between the indigenous and the ‘foreign’ peoples. This opposition generates humorous contents that sometimes cross the boundary between political correctness and incorrectness. It also illustrates how oral folklore may conquer contemporary registers and how it survives in the latest modern forms of online communication.

Keywords: cold tolerance, identity, Instagram, meme, Sámi

Minority identity in a global context

Médiakutató Autumn-Winter 2024 pp. 23–36

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Sztáray Kézdy, Éva – Kovácsné Hegedűs, Dóra:

Sztáray Kézdy, Éva – Kovácsné Hegedűs, Dóra:

Examining the changing father image in the light of Instagram posts

As a result of the transformation of fatherhood in recent decades, besides the traditional, primarily breadwinning, protective father model, a modern father role has emerged, according to which the father is increasingly involved in the lives of his children. To date, social media are saturating more and more areas of life, and the mediatisation of parenthood and of fatherhood is on the rise. The presentation of fatherhood and the discussion of new trends in fatherhood are becoming increasingly popular among social media players and celebrity fathers. The main aim and question of this research is to explore the new father image and father identity in the context of Hungarian fathers’ Instagram posts. The findings of our explorative research, conducted through quantitative and qualitative textual analysis and visual analysis, point to the fact that the fatherly identity represented on Instagram portrays the image of the modern, actively caring father emotionally involved in his children’s lives. The focus on Instagram posts is mainly on the positive, idyllic, side of fatherhood, with the more difficult moments of parenthood not being portrayed.

Keywords: father’s involvement, Instagram, mediatisation, modern fatherhood, social media, text analysis

Examining the changing father image in the light of Instagram posts

Médiakutató Winter 2023 pp. 65-84

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Glózer, Rita:

Glózer, Rita:

Litrerary Consumption in the Age of Mobile Media

As a part of the transformation of the literary public sphere in the era of social media, the discursive field of literary criticism is also changing in essential respects. This is happening because, despite the predictions that online amateur literary criticism would open up and widen these literary discourses, such activity only seems to have resulted in the popularisation and slight intellectual deterioration of the critical praxis so far. While online amateur critical discourses have multiplied and expanded, traditional print platforms such as journals of high literary criticism are on the decline. However, according to media-optimistic arguments, social media sites serving as discursive platforms can eliminate information and knowledge monopolies and grant access to elite or professional discourses to many. This paper, focusing on a specific social media site, attempts to investigate how these tendencies foster the evolution of simplistic, easy-to-absorb forms of literary consumption and the ‘re-folklorisation’ of literature. Practices and products of this trend seem to manifest themselves on a spectrum ranging from high cultural phenomena to popular memetic culture.

Keywords: Instagram, literary criticism, literature, meme, poem, poetry, public sphere, Rupi Kaur

Litrerary Consumption in the Age of Mobile Media

Médiakutató Spring 2020 pp. 67-77

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Sztárok, a celebek és az influenszerek

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