Keyword – children

Pintér, Róbert:

Pintér, Róbert:

Some aspects of childhood video gaming in Hungary

Most children start gaming between the ages of 6 and 10 in Hungary. This article explores the motivations behind gaming, gender differences, and the differences between casual and hardcore gamers. Because of the differences, it is difficult for both parents and children to understand each other when it comes to gaming. The article briefly covers the parents’ responsibilities and possible strategies. The study also shows the relationship between video games and sports, as well as the importance of e-sports as the main media content to reach young men today. The paper includes both negative (violence and “addiction”) and positive themes related to video gaming. Finally, the article concludes with video games both as a means of escaping for young adult men and as a path for choosing a career in IT. The purpose of this paper is to outline a bigger picture, while its novelty is that it uses comprehensive research data from eNET that is not available to the scientific community in the depth presented in this paper.

Keywords: addiction, career choice, children, digital parenting, e-sports, gender differences, motivations, video gaming, violence

Some aspects of childhood video gaming in Hungary

Médiakutató Summer 2023 pp. 9-28

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