Keyword – exhibition communication

Kuttner, Ádám:

Kuttner, Ádám:

Possibilities of examining contemporary multimedia applications in exhibition communication

To date, visitors can encounter a variety of applications based on augmented and virtual reality technology in museums. However, there are currently few evaluation methodologies available to professionals to analyse and evaluate these tools in exhibition communication. In my study, I present a possible research and evaluation method based on the methodology of visual framing, which took place in 2021 at the Ludwig Museum in Budapest with the participation of 47 people. The findings of the research will hopefully contribute to the development of similar studies and evaluation methods.

Keywords: augmented reality, exhibition communication, museum, museum education, new media, visual communication, visual framing, virtual reality

Possibilities of examining contemporary multimedia applications in exhibition communication

Médiakutató Spring 2022 pp. 89-98

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