Keyword – new media

Tisza, Eleonóra:

Tisza, Eleonóra:

Possibilities of hybridity in the contemporary young adult literature

This study is to provide a comprehensive insight into the young adult (YA) literature by exploring the multifaceted notion of hybridity in the category. The young adult literature can neither be fully labelled as children’s nor as “adult” literature and can therefore be understood as a hybrid of the two age categories. The notion of hybridity also explains definitional problems. There is still no consensus on whether the phenomenon should be understood as a genre, a marketing category, or an age classification. Hybridity also encompasses genre hybridisation, which is a typical trend of literary and media texts in this field. Finally, the analysis will briefly highlight how hybridity is represented in the narratives of YA fantasy texts, particular as regards female monster characters.

Keywords: fantasy literature, genre hybridization, hybridization, new media, young adult literature

Possibilities of hybridity in the contemporary young adult literature

Médiakutató Autumn-Winter 2024 pp. 69–76

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Kuttner, Ádám:

Kuttner, Ádám:

Possibilities of examining contemporary multimedia applications in exhibition communication

To date, visitors can encounter a variety of applications based on augmented and virtual reality technology in museums. However, there are currently few evaluation methodologies available to professionals to analyse and evaluate these tools in exhibition communication. In my study, I present a possible research and evaluation method based on the methodology of visual framing, which took place in 2021 at the Ludwig Museum in Budapest with the participation of 47 people. The findings of the research will hopefully contribute to the development of similar studies and evaluation methods.

Keywords: augmented reality, exhibition communication, museum, museum education, new media, visual communication, visual framing, virtual reality

Possibilities of examining contemporary multimedia applications in exhibition communication

Médiakutató Spring 2022 pp. 89-98

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Mátyus, Imre:

Mátyus, Imre:

Diversification in community and interaction within FLOSS communities

The spread of world wide web use in the 1990s and the increasing importance of social media platforms in the 2000s did not only result in a paradigm shift in mass communication, but also generated deeper social changes. In the last few decades, we witnessed the creation of new kinds of communities and practices, generated by the new media devices that play an ever-increasing role in the organisation and operation of communities. This study is to demonstrate such tendencies through the example of open source software communities. More precisely, it shows the changing role and diversification of online platforms in the context of Hungarian Linux users’ interactions. It also attempts to illustrate the connection between the modal and topic-related changes of interactions and the expansion of Linux user communities.

Keywords: interaction, internet studies, Linux, new media, online community, open source, social media

Diversification in community and interaction within FLOSS communities

Médiakutató Spring 2020 pp. 57-66

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Horváth, Dorka:

Horváth, Dorka:

The book as an interactive medium

The impact of new technological mediums upon the young population is indisputable, and so is the growing popularity of digital devices among children. The sources of media content have multiplied, affecting young children’s reading habits and the way they listen to stories. The interactive book as a new hybrid medium helps to identify and to develop potential new methods that support reading education by communicating storybooks in new, more attractive ways for children. Meanwhile, it could also result in a transformation of the book and reading habits. This paper attempts to present the circumstances and various aspects of the usability of the interactive book, which is located in the grey zone between the Gutenberg Galaxy and the Internet Galaxy.

Keywords: digital literacy, e-book, Gutenberg-galaxy, hybrid medium, innovation, interactive book, Internetgalaxy, literacy improvement, new media

The book as an interactive medium

Médiakutató Summer 2021 pp. 133-142

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A Médiakutató szerkesztősége publikációs pályázatot hirdet a következő témákban:

Sztárok, a celebek és az influenszerek

Mesterséges intelligencia

Judit Bayer: A Framework for a New Media Order (Open Access)

Boldog Dalma: Csernobil és a magyar média
