Keyword – hybridization

Tisza, Eleonóra:

Tisza, Eleonóra:

Possibilities of hybridity in the contemporary young adult literature

This study is to provide a comprehensive insight into the young adult (YA) literature by exploring the multifaceted notion of hybridity in the category. The young adult literature can neither be fully labelled as children’s nor as “adult” literature and can therefore be understood as a hybrid of the two age categories. The notion of hybridity also explains definitional problems. There is still no consensus on whether the phenomenon should be understood as a genre, a marketing category, or an age classification. Hybridity also encompasses genre hybridisation, which is a typical trend of literary and media texts in this field. Finally, the analysis will briefly highlight how hybridity is represented in the narratives of YA fantasy texts, particular as regards female monster characters.

Keywords: fantasy literature, genre hybridization, hybridization, new media, young adult literature

Possibilities of hybridity in the contemporary young adult literature

Médiakutató Autumn-Winter 2024 pp. 69–76

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