Keyword – liberalism

Sükösd, Miklós:

Sükösd, Miklós:

The technologising of the word and the realms of memory: From local oral traditions to printed national history

The influential Hungarian non-fiction writer Károly Eötvös (also a liberal politician and lawyer; 1842–1916) chose an interesting position as an author: he deliberately addressed future generations. In his major, widely read work A Journey around Lake Balaton (1900, 1909) he collected the oral traditions, true stories and family histories around the lake and sent them to the future as messages in a bottle. His work may be considered an early form of literary journalism and ethnography, and his book may also be seen as an encyclopedia of patriotism that features positive patriotic examples. As a liberal patriot, Eötvös wanted to contribute to the development of a modern, democratic Hungarian national identity that wished to integrate national minorities within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His Balaton book invites three interpretive frameworks: Ong’s medium theory contrasting oral and written cultures, Benedict Anderson’s analysis of the co-emergence of nationalism and mass printing, and French historian Pierre Nora’s notion of the sites of memory

Keywords: Balaton, cultural memory, genius loci, liberalism, lieu de mémoire (site of memory), oral culture, print-capitalism, national identity, patriotism, written culture

The technologising of the word and the realms of memory: From local oral traditions to printed national history

Médiakutató Autumn 2020 pp. 23-43

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Pintér, Melinda:

Pintér, Melinda:

The political reversal of the Republican Party since the 1930s and the role of the conservative press

This study presents a topic that has so far played a smaller role in Hungarian analytical works: the relationship between the Republican Party’s shift to the right and the conservative press, especially with regard to the conservative movement that emerged in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The Republican Party’s shift to the right since the 1930s and then its entire conservative turn in the 1960s are reflected in the media in general and especially in the print press: the number of dedicated conservative publications increases or changes in terms of their subject area in response to the changing ideology of the Republican Party and other conservative movements outside the party system. This study details the causes and practical implementation of the ideological change of the Republican Party, and then examines the changes taking place in the party and the Conservative side as a whole by reviewing the conservative journals of the 20th century, with great emphasis on the National Review magazine, founded in 1955.

Keywords: American party system, conservativism, conservative movement, conservative turn, liberalism, libertarianism, National Review, New Deal coalition, neoconservativism, Republican Party

The political reversal of the Republican Party since the 1930s and the role of the conservative press

Médiakutató Spring 2021 pp. 35-46

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A Médiakutató szerkesztősége publikációs pályázatot hirdet a következő témákban:

Sztárok, a celebek és az influenszerek

Mesterséges intelligencia

Judit Bayer: A Framework for a New Media Order (Open Access)

Boldog Dalma: Csernobil és a magyar média
