Keyword – literacy improvement

Horváth, Dorka:

Horváth, Dorka:

The book as an interactive medium

The impact of new technological mediums upon the young population is indisputable, and so is the growing popularity of digital devices among children. The sources of media content have multiplied, affecting young children’s reading habits and the way they listen to stories. The interactive book as a new hybrid medium helps to identify and to develop potential new methods that support reading education by communicating storybooks in new, more attractive ways for children. Meanwhile, it could also result in a transformation of the book and reading habits. This paper attempts to present the circumstances and various aspects of the usability of the interactive book, which is located in the grey zone between the Gutenberg Galaxy and the Internet Galaxy.

Keywords: digital literacy, e-book, Gutenberg-galaxy, hybrid medium, innovation, interactive book, Internetgalaxy, literacy improvement, new media

The book as an interactive medium

Médiakutató Summer 2021 pp. 133-142

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