Keyword – networking

Borbíró, Aletta:

Borbíró, Aletta:

„It’s Important That You Network, aha”

This paper interprets the music video Szív (Heart) by Krúbi from the perspective of transmedia and convergence culture. In addition to briefly describing the characteristics of rap, it focuses on how the genre is interconnected with the dominant media outlets, how social media platforms provide space for alterego building and make the networking between rappers more visible. The song and music video Heart represent the networked nature of the music industry and include visual and metareflexive notes that highlight the changing nature of visual media, while also demonstrating the logic of media convergence.

Keywords: convergence culture, Krúbi, networking, rap, transmediality

„It’s Important That You Network, aha”

Médiakutató Autumn-Winter 2024 pp. 107–113

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