Keyword – streaming

Tóth, Zoltán János:

Tóth, Zoltán János:

Platformisation and movie stars

This study examines the relationship between platformised entertainment and post-millennial film culture with a focus on the mediatisation and representational critique of contemporary film stars. It assesses the impact of blockchain technology on film production, distribution, and marketing, and explores the consequences of the transformation of the media environment surrounding film stars for the film industry. It places particular emphasis on the competition between the film industry and social media platforms in the context of the emergence of new types of celebrities and star regimes. This examination of competition situates the study at the intersection of media studies and film studies. It has a dual purpose: on one hand, it provides insights into film consumption, reconditioned as a result of technological paradigm shifts and, on the other, it offers perspectives to revisit star theory approaches.

Keywords: celebrity, platform, star, star studies, streaming

Platformisation and movie stars

Médiakutató Spring 2025 pp. 37-47 10.55395/MK.2025.1.3

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