Keyword – television series

Bánszki, Kristóf:

Bánszki, Kristóf:

Pussycat, Betsy the Doll, Morzsa the Dog, and Socialism

This study focuses on the formative conditions of the first Hungarian television series “What’s the New in Ground Beetle Street?” (Mi újság a Futrinka utcában?). It discusses the potential reasons for its success, and attempts to answer the questions of how the series formed the state-socialist social imagination of both children and adults and what educative impact it may have had. It suggests that the creators, while lacking any preliminary professional examples, consciously used the possibilities that the genre series offers.

Keywords: genre, Hungarian Television, remedialisation, sociological imagination, success, television series

Pussycat, Betsy the Doll, Morzsa the Dog, and Socialism

Médiakutató Summer 2022 pp. 65-78

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