Keyword – terminology

Veszelszki, Ágnes – Falyuna, Nóra:

Veszelszki, Ágnes – Falyuna, Nóra:

Using linguistic-argumentative tools to disclose pseudo-scientific contents

Pseudo-scientific contents can spread quickly and widely in the ever-changing information and media environment, which makes scientific analysis on identifying these contents particularly valuable. This paper presents the linguisticargumentative characteristics of pseudo-scientific contents spreading on the internet via three case studies (flat earth theory, anti-vaccination movement and parasitic infections), and offers some analytical tools to identify pseudoscientific and unreliable information. It concludes with a list of critical questions based on the relevant literature and the authors’ own teaching practices.The aim of this paper is to show that the analysis of the linguistic-argumentative characteristics of pseudo-scientific contents as a means of evaluating information credibility can contribute to the development of critical interpretative skills and communicational-pedagogical methodologies.

Keywords: argumentation techniques, critical skills, deception, digital communication, fake news, media awareness, pseudoscience, science communication, social media, terminology

Using linguistic-argumentative tools to disclose pseudo-scientific contents

Médiakutató Autumn 2019 pp. 39-51

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