Keyword – video inserts

Ármeán, Otília:

Ármeán, Otília:

Moving Images and Projections on Stage

This paper looks into the dramaturgical/semiotical meanings of still images, moving images, film extracts, and videos projected and transmitted on the surfaces of screens, canvases and stage elements, with a focus on their role in reception and their significance in the media apparatus. In the context of general and deep mediatisation, the use of theatrical moving images and the application of various techniques of representation can provide the spectator with a key to develop his or her own version, his or her own proposal for interpretation. The proposed relations between the cinematographic content and the different layers of meaning of the performance are exemplified via the interpretation of two performances from Târgu Mureș, both directed by Radu Afrim.

Keywords: canvas, projected image, screen, theatre, video inserts

Moving Images and Projections on Stage

Médiakutató Spring 2025 pp. 77-86 10.55395/MK.2025.1.6

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