Keyword – war

Farkas Xénia – Burai Krisztina – Bene Márton:

Farkas Xénia – Burai Krisztina – Bene Márton:

Riding the waves

How are the issue strategies of political leaders influenced by an external shock that changes agenda of the election campaign? The 2022 Hungarian parliamentary election campaign provides opportunity for this question to be investigated, as Russia attacked Ukraine only six weeks be Day. This study is to examine whether the campaign's issue strategies have changed under the this shocking event and, if so, what the main directions of the changes are. Hungarian party le Facebook posts issued during the campaign were submitted to manual content analysis covering both before and after the outbreak of the war. The findings suggest that while the war, the eco foreign policy play a greater role in the communication of most political actors after February 2 remarkable differences between political actors.

Keywords: campaign, external shock, Facebook, issue strategies, war

Riding the waves

Médiakutató Summer 2024 pp. 23-37

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A Médiakutató szerkesztősége publikációs pályázatot hirdet a következő témákban:

Sztárok, a celebek és az influenszerek

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