Keyword – European Union

Gálik, Mihály:

Gálik, Mihály:

Setting about

The launch of satellite television services in the 1980s challenged the regulation of the television industry in Europe as these services, called television without frontiers (TWF), emerged on the previously closed markets of European countries. The need for a common regulatory framework within the European Economic Community (EEC) led to the enacting of the TWF directive in 1989. Responding to technical and economic innovations in the television industry, the TWF directive was modified decade after decade. The recent proposal for regulation by the European Parliament and the Council (the European Media Freedom Act, abbreviated EMFA) is to establish a common framework for media services in the internal market and is amending directive 2010/13/EU on audiovisual services. EMFA covers all media services and as such it is representing a legal innovation within the European Union

Keywords: European Union, market, media freedom, media services, regulation

Setting about

Médiakutató Autumn 2023 pp. 9-14

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