Mátyus, Imre:
Mátyus, Imre:
Diversification in community and interaction within FLOSS communities
The spread of world wide web use in the 1990s and the increasing importance of social media platforms in the 2000s did not only result in a paradigm shift in mass communication, but also generated deeper social changes. In the last few decades, we witnessed the creation of new kinds of communities and practices, generated by the new media devices that play an ever-increasing role in the organisation and operation of communities. This study is to demonstrate such tendencies through the example of open source software communities. More precisely, it shows the changing role and diversification of online platforms in the context of Hungarian Linux users’ interactions. It also attempts to illustrate the connection between the modal and topic-related changes of interactions and the expansion of Linux user communities.
Keywords: interaction, internet studies, Linux, new media, online community, open source, social media
Diversification in community and interaction within FLOSS communities
Médiakutató Spring 2020 pp. 57-66
Szász, Veronika Sára:
Szász, Veronika Sára:
Personal brand in the context of creative arts
This study briefly presents the personal branding strategies of emblematic Hungarian creative artists who have gained professional recognition and built up their following before the advent of information technologies. It is based on research related to the discourse on digital identity construction previously discussed in the media studies quarterly Médiakutató and expands it with the specificities of the artistic context.
Keywords: consciousness, creative arts, digital identity, interaction, personal brand, self 2.0, self-brand, social media
Personal brand in the context of creative arts
Médiakutató Summer 2023 pp. 29-44 https://doi.org/10.55395/MK.2023.2.2